Monday, January 19, 2009

Events: Rodeos

Last summer I got to take one of the trail horses in two Rodeos in the Dodge Rodeo Tour for Barrel Racing. The rodeos we went in were the Warkwork Rodeo and the Valentia Rodeo. The horse I rode was Beauty and we did pretty well for a over-weight trail horse and me being an english rider until 2 years ago. Our times were 17.2 seconds at Valentia and 17.9 seconds at Warkworth. Its pretty scary going into the arena to run the barrels infront of the huge audience. .. but its really fun too! The biggest challenge of our days at the rodeo was getting Beauty on the trailer. She is a very stubborn horse and would have nothing to do with the trailer any time we tried to put her on. After about a half hour struggle she finally goes on. But the struggle is worth it because we get to prove to all the people that spend forever breeding and training the perfect barrel horse that we can keep up with them with a quick trail horse that hasn't had very much time to prepare for the rodeo. We definatly kept up and even beat out a few of the experienced riders. It was a lot of fun for everyone and we are planning on doing a couple more in the coming year.

Beauty and I at the Valentia Rodeo

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